Beer Education Resources: Educational Beer Apps and Tools

Beer Education Resources: Educational Beer Apps and Tools

Beer is not just a beverage; it is an art, a companion, and a subject of endless exploration. Whether you’re a casual enthusiast or an aspiring cicerone, the world of beer offers boundless opportunities for education and enjoyment. Luckily, we live in an era where technology provides us with invaluable beer education resources right at our fingertips. In this article, we will introduce you to some of the best educational beer apps and tools available today.

1. Untappd

Untappd is the social network for beer enthusiasts. It allows users to discover and explore various beer styles, breweries, and specific beer offerings. With a simple interface and robust features, Untappd is an essential tool for tracking, rating, and reviewing beers. It also provides personalized beer recommendations based on your preferences and past ratings, making it an excellent learning resource.

2. BeerSmith

BeerSmith is a comprehensive brewing software that caters to both professional and homebrewers. It offers tools for recipe formulation, batch tracking, and ingredient inventory management. BeerSmith’s extensive database includes countless beer styles with detailed brewing instructions, making it an indispensable tool for anyone interested in the brewing process.

3. BJCP Mobile App

The Beer Judge Certification Program (BJCP) is a renowned organization dedicated to certifying beer judges and providing style guidelines for commercially available beers. The BJCP Mobile App offers a handy reference to their Beer Style Guidelines, enabling users to explore and understand various beer styles in detail. It’s a valuable resource for anyone studying for beer certifications or simply looking to expand their knowledge.

4. BeerAdvocate

BeerAdvocate is a popular website and app that provides a wealth of information about beers, breweries, and beer-related news. Its user-generated reviews and ratings are a valuable resource for discovering new beers and understanding their quality. BeerAdvocate also features articles, interviews, and forums, creating a dynamic community for beer enthusiasts.

5. Cicerone Certification Program

The Cicerone Certification Program offers various levels of certification for beer professionals, with the Certified Cicerone being the most recognized. While not an app or tool itself, it is a fundamental educational program that provides study materials, sample exams, and an extensive syllabus to guide individuals through the world of beer knowledge. Whether you aim to become a master in beer styles, brewing techniques, or food pairings, the Cicerone Certification Program is a must-consider resource.

6. Podcasts and Online Courses

Podcasts and online courses present another way to expand your beer knowledge conveniently. Platforms like Craft Beer & Brewing and Udemy offer podcasts and courses taught by industry experts. These resources cover a wide range of topics, including beer history, sensory analysis, brewing techniques, and more. These audio and video-based resources are perfect for those who prefer learning on the go.


Beer education is a lifelong journey, and these educational beer apps and tools make the exploration more accessible and enjoyable. Whether you’re a novice looking to understand the basics or an expert seeking to enhance your understanding, these resources provide a wealth of knowledge and a means to connect with the broader beer community. So, grab your smartphone or tablet, start exploring these apps and tools, and embark on your next beer education adventure. Cheers!